
Generate yield from NFT liquidity

The FloorDAO treasury generates yield from two sources:

  1. Trading fees from providing FLOOR-ETH liquidity

  2. Trading and staking fees from providing staked xNFT and xNFTWETH liquidity (staked NFTX positions)


The first source of revenue, FLOOR-ETH, is the standard model for a protocol “owning” its own liquidity to maintain sufficient liquidity and reduce price volatility.

To start, FLOOR-ETH will use a Uniswap v3, 1% fees, full range pool. The plan is to move to a managed concentrated liquidity position soon afterward.


The second source, xNFT and xNFTWETH, is the primary NFT yield-generation strategy leveraging NFTX vaults. The first NFT asset is PUNK (CryptoPunks) and its corresponding xPUNK and xPUNKWETH positions, which represent a staked PUNK and staked PUNK-WETH Sushi LP positions in the NFTX vault. These positions receive yield from the following actions:

  • Trading fees (0.3%) from PUNK-WETH Sushi LP

  • Mint fees

  • Random redeem or swap fees

  • Target redeem or swap fees

The exact fee structures are subject to NFTX governance but can range up to 10% per action.

The more volume that goes through the NFTX vault, the more yield will be generated for the treasury.

Last updated